Joola Challenger Off

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Handle: Straight
Sale price$45.00 CAD
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The Challenger Off is a tempo-controlled 5-layer attacking frame that is ideal for spin-oriented, offensive play. The flight curve is relatively high and the rotation values are excellent.
Limba and Ayous process wood types that have proven themselves at the highest table tennis level. Given the price in this regard, the total package is impressive!
Limba and Ayous process wood types that have proven themselves at the highest table tennis level. Given the price in this regard, the total package is impressive!

The Challenger series offers wood in all three variants with balanced playing properties for the complex requirements of table tennis.
It uses combinations and woods that have proven themselves on a professional level.
The modern design and precise finish give the series a special charm and at the most attractive price.

Pace: 90
Control: 89
Flexural strength: 90
Weight: approx. 85 grams

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